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All about feeding our little foodies

Trying something different: This week’s meal plan

This week I did things a little bit differently to normal.  Usually I plan our meals first then go shopping with a very strict shopping list.  This week I went shopping first then planned around the foods I bought.  I did end up spending more than normal (£56 instead of the usual £40) but I’ve got enough food to make meals for next week too so think that over the course of 2 weeks it will balance itself out to mean I’ve spent the same over the course of the month.

I always shop at Aldi as it is such good value for money and we love the nappies and wipes from there!  This week I seemed to spot more ‘different’ foods to the ones I would usually get and decided to try something new!  I picked up these meal kits and quinoa and am really looking forward to giving them a try!  I also got a ‘curried lentils’ microwave pack in the same range as the quinoa.  We had it for lunch today and Harry loved it!

Meal Plan

I’m still loving planning in my bullet journal.  This week I have merged my meal plan into my weekly spread.   I love how flexible journalling is and that I can set things up however suit me that week.

I’ve only planned evening meals for this week but as always, I’ll share Harry’s lunches on my Instagram and Facebook.


  • Spaghetti bolognese.  Ok, so not very original or different but I have a pack of minced beef that needs using so I’m going to batch cook a bolognese.  It should make enough for a meal for the freezer too.


  • Minted lamb kebabs with the Mediterranean quinoa.  I think I’ll serve this with some Mediterranean vegetables that I got too.


  • Katsu chicken curry.  I’ll serve this with rice and maybe some baby corn and sugar snap peas.  I can’t wait to try this!


  • Hot dogs and sweet potato chips.  Simple, quick and easy!  I like to plan one meal like this a week.


  • Harry will eat at nursery and Alistair and I are off out for dinner to celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary.


  • Pesto crusted salmon and new potatoes.  We try to have fish once a week and we’re all big pesto fans so this will go down well! If you haven’t tried making your own pesto yet you should!  It’s so easy and tasty!  You can see our recipe here.


  • Roast dinner.  I’ve not decided what kind of roast yet, we usually have chicken so I fancy something different.  What’s your favourite roast dinner?  Inspiration would be gratefully received!