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friendly first foods

All about feeding our little foodies

Quinoa and egg wraps

I haven’t posted any new recipes on here for what feels like ages.  I think I just got out of the habit and forgot how much I love experimenting in the kitchen.

This morning though I just had the urge to try something new and had a rummage around to see what we had in.  Something we use a lot of in our house is wraps so I wanted to make something ‘wrap like’.  I found some quinoa in the cupboard that needed using up and a strange idea formed in my head.   I honestly didn’t think it would work but I’m so glad I tried it!

These wraps were so tasty, healthy and easy to make.  They were really filling too which is always a bonus when you have two children who complain that they are hungry every 5 seconds!

I decided to add poppy seeds and sesame seeds to mine to give them a bit of a seeded vibe but you could definitely make them without if you prefer or don’t have them to hand.

Ours were served with pigs in blankets, beans and tomato but you could get so creative with the fillings.  I can’t wait to try these with cheese and ham, roasted veg and feta, cheese and beans, mushrooms, avocado, tomato and a drizzle of balsamic… The options are endless!

This recipe was enough to make 3 wraps.

Anyway, enough waffling from me, I hope you are well and like this recipe!  If you do please share and tag me on social media.  I love seeing you and your little ones enjoying my foodie creations!



  • 4 tbsp quinoa (rinse, cover in boiling water and leave for 30 minutes first.)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tsp poppy seeds
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds
  • Oil or cooking spray for cooking


  • Crack the eggs into a bowl and beat well.
  • Add the quinoa and seeds.
  • Mix until well combined.
  • Add your oil or cooking spray to the frying pan.
  • Pour in enough mixture to thinly cover the bottom of the pan. (Like a pancake!)
  • Cook for 2 – 3 minutes until the underneath is cooked and then carefully flip your wrap.
  • Cook for a further 2-3 minutes on the other side.
  • Serve while warm.  I strongly recommend having everything for your filling ready first before cooking the wraps as they taste best fresh from the pan.
  • Fill, wrap and enjoy!