The time has come when I’m finally having to think about potty training! Harry has shown lots of signs that he’s ready like, knowing he’s about to wee, going longer between wees and undressing himself regularly! Although he seems to be ready, Harry is still quite reluctant to use the potty so I’ve put together a little ‘potty training starter kit’ to try and get him on board!
If you prefer to watch what’s in our kit then I explain it all in the video below:
The first thing that I wanted in our kit was books! Harry loves reading and I find it a great way to introduce new things to him. I got in touch with the lovely Amanda at Books and Pieces to ask for her advice! I love , it’s like a friendly, local bookshop with the convenience of being able to buy online! I knew when I asked for potty training book recommendations she wouldn’t disappoint! We got two books, Potty Hero by Jane Massey which comes with reward stickers and Goldilocks and the three potties by Leigh Hodgkinson. They are both really lovely books and I know they will help to introduce the idea of potty training to Harry in a fun and exciting way.
The second thing in Harry’s potty training starter kit is a reward chart. Harry loves the Go Jetters so I found a sticker chart on that theme on eBay. You can find them here. It is personalised which is a really nice touch, magnetic so it sticks to the fridge and has little Go Jetter stickers with it! I was really pleased with it, especially for under £5!
Another thing that I got for Harry was a Trolls singing handwash. Harry loves washing his hands so I think that being allowed to use this after he sits on the potty will be a real incentive for him. I put his own towel in too for him to dry his hands on. It was an old one from when he was a baby but I think he will like that it is his special towel just for him.
To get Harry used to the idea of wearing underpants I got him some character pants with the Go Jetters on. If anything will convince him that pants are cool… these will!
The last thing I have got for Harry is a Go Jetters magazine. I mean, who doesn’t like something to read on the toilet?! On the front was a free gift with some Go Jetters figures so I’m going to use these as rewards for every half day he doesn’t wear a nappy.
If you have any tips for how to potty train then please leave them in the comments! I welcome all the help I can get!