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All about feeding our little foodies

A perfect family day out: Cheshire Ice Cream Farm

I love days where we wake up and the sun is shining.  It always makes me want to get out on adventures.  This morning was a perfect example of one of those days.  I’d had a pretty rough week, spending time in hospital with my Hyperemesis Gravidarum but woke up feeling pretty good so wanted to make the most of it.

Alistair got up early with Harry so I could have a lie in and I researched places we could go from the comfort of my bed.  I’d heard people talk about Cheshire Ice Cream Farm before and always heard positive things about it so was really keen to check it out for myself.
We set off early, not really knowing what to expect and arrived at about 9:45am.  Entry was free and the activities within the farm were extremely reasonably priced (£1-£3).  I’m not going to ramble on too much, I’m going to let our pictures from the day speak for themselves.  We would definitely recommend a visit and I think we will be there a lot ourselves over the summer!

Cheshire ice cream farm, quiet within the first half an hour of opening.


Harry loved climbing up and down all the little ‘hills’ on the playground.
Harry is obsessed with jumping at the moment so loved these bouncy trampolines.
After Harry had spent some time playing on the park we treated ourselves to an ice cream each. They were delicious!
Harry really enjoyed his strawberry ice cream.
Once we’d finished our ice cream we went round to see the animals… after Harry had climbed all over some tractors of course!
Harry loved squeaking with the guinea pigs.
“Hello rabbits!”
“What’s that Daddy?”
The best part of our day had to be the indoor sand and water play area! It was only £3 to get in and was Harry’s idea of heaven!
Splash splosh!

Harry turning on the giant tap before trying to drink the water.
Flat out in the car on the way home after an amazing day!