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All about feeding our little foodies

Meal plan – Cooking without a kitchen


Sleepy boy in hospital
Sleepy boy in hospital

We stayed in Hospital for most of the day so they could try and get his fluids up and monitor his intake. Thankfully, he drank just enough through a syringe to be able to come home.  He is still not eating much but that’s ok as long as he is getting water.

Painting at the hospital
Painting at the hospital

He has antibiotics, diflam spray for his throat and an inhaler that he needs every 4 hours, day and night, so I’m prepared for a few weeks of rubbish sleep.  I’m just so glad that my baby is home in his own bed and I can finally do something useful to help him to feel better.

On top of Harry being ill we have started our kitchen renovations. I have packed up everything from the kitchen and it is safely boxed up all over the house. It’s so exciting that we are finally at this point where we are so close to the kitchen we want and it will make our lives so much easier when it is done but the next week is going to be so hard. Especially with a poorly toddler!

Goodbye old kitchen!
Goodbye old kitchen!
What a mess!
What a mess!

I have set up a temporary “kitchen” in the living room which I will be using to cook over the next week. It basically consists of a microwave, a slow cooker, a toaster and a kettle.  All of our meals this week will be really simple and easy to make, without the use of a hob or oven.

It looks like our kitchen is set to be delivered by diy-kitchens the week commencing the 24th – so I’ll keep you updated.

Our kitchen for the next week!
Our kitchen for the next week!

Meal Plan


  • Scrambled egg on toast with cucumber and tomato
  • Jamie Oliver’s incredible curried chickpeas with pitta bread, yogurt and steamed vegetables


  • Lunch out with Grandma
  • Jacket potato with cheese, beans and salad


  • Chicken and avocado salad
  • Slow cooker Lancashire hotpot


  • Sweet potato toast with cream cheese and salad
  • Salmon and rainbow cous cous


  • Cheese and crackers with houmous and vegetable sticks
  • Slow cooker vegetable soup and crusty bread




  • Vegetable soup (leftover from Friday)
  • Pulled pork wraps with salad and coleslaw