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36 weeks pregnant: Friendsfest Baby Shower and Scan!

This weekend has been amazing!  I’ve had a lovely time with my girlie friends enjoying a bit of freedom before baby arrives.

On Saturday I went to FriendsFest with two of my closest mummy friends.  It absolutely tipped it down for the first half an hour we were there but after that the sun came out and we had an amazing time exploring the sets, dressing up and stuffing our faces with naughty foods!


On Sunday I had a baby shower.  I’ve always felt awkward about things like that and all the attention being on me but it was so nice to have my favourite ladies in one place for the afternoon!  We had a lovely afternoon tea, played some games (including guess the baby food flavour which was hilarious) and baby girl was spoiled rotten!  I’m so lucky, I really do have the most amazing friends.

Today I had a scan to find out what position our baby girl is in.  The midwives have been concerned that she is breech which would have meant my plans for a home birth would have looked less likely to happen.

The scan went really well and she is head down!!  Apparently she is growing perfectly and my placenta looks very ‘ready for birth’ whatever that means!  Hopefully she wont keep me waiting too long now.

What’s pregnancy like this week?

How far along? 36 weeks

How big is baby? Baby is the same size as a romaine lettuce.  She weighs approximately 5 and a half pounds.

Weight gain/loss: I’ve now gained 10lbs since my booking weight so I’m about 4lbs above my pre pregnancy weight!

Maternity clothes?  Everything is uncomfortable except for my maternity leggings or floaty dresses.

Stretch marks? I think I’ve spotted one new one right on the bottom of my bump.

Sleep: I’m still going to the toilet about 4 times a night and finding it difficult to get comfy.

Best moment this week: Seeing baby again on the scan, my baby shower, Friendsfest.. so hard to choose just one best moment!

Movement: Movements have increased again this week, she’s so squirmy!

Food cravings: Yazoo milkshakes are going down well this week and I’m really craving fruit!

Sickness: My sickness has been worse again this week.  I hope it’s just a bad few days and not a sign of how the rest of my pregnancy will be.

Belly Button in or out? It’s flat.

Wedding rings on or off? Off. It still fits but it’s very snug so I figured it was better to take it off now rather than have it cut off later!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  So happy this week!  I’m really excited to meet our little girl now!

Bump picture